About us

maygar eb

Funny Devils

„The dog is the only one in the world who loves you more than yourself!”

I first met the French Bulldog at a dog show in 2002.

Their grumpy faces immediately caught my attention and we bought our first puppy that same year. Since then, 20 years have passed and the „love” is undiminished. We are the breeder of the breed.

Funny Devils kennel

The French Bulldog is a small dog, because of its short coat it can be kept well in an apartment.

He is a friendly, smart, playful, lovable and teachable dog.

As breeders, we strive to ensure that our puppies are healthy, physically fit, good looking, well socialised and that they have a long and happy life together.

Our breeding dogs have the required health and medical check-ups, breed inspections and we also go to shows!


We have litters born several times a year, puppies with FCI Pedigree , chipped, age appropriate vaccinations, sale and purchase contract available!

Silver Level Masterbreeder

Funny Devils Lord new Hungaria Champion
Vasszécsény Tibor Gellén Memorial CAC Dog Show
Funny Devils Lord
Open class male. KIT.1, CAC, BOB
From today Hungaria Champion !
Funny Devils Fanny
Open class bitch. KIT.1, CAC., BOS.
Zalaegerszeg CAC Dog Show
On the weekend we took part in 2 days show with new competitors !
Funny Devils Alfie !!!
2024.10.05. on Saturday
Excellent1. CAC. BOB Best of Breed
FCI.Judge. György Glázer
Excellent1. CAC. BOS Breed Champion2.
FCI.Judge. Istvàn Lakatos
Two days we took part in this year’s edition. Despite the high temperatures, we had a successful day.
29.06.2024 Saturday
FCI.Judge. Mr.Vojislav Al-Daghistani
Funny Devils Lord
Open class: excellent 1.CAC, CACIB, BOS
30.06.2024 Sunday
FCI.Judge. Ceglédi Attila
Funny Devils Lord
Open class: excellent 1st CAC, CACIB, BOB
Tibor Gellén Memorial CAC exhibition Vasszècseny 
In spite of the rainy weather and the ground we managed to achieve a good result !
Funny Devils Lord
Open class. CAC , BOB
FCI.Judge. Erdős Làszló
Zalaegerszeg 2023.09.16-17
CAC Dog Show 2days-2×CAC
Funny Devils Igor
2×CAC ,1×BOB New Hungaria GrandChampion !
Funny Devils Lord
2×CAC, 1×BOB 
           Dr. Zsuzsanna Balogh

Sárvár CACIB Dog Show, Hungary
Funny Devils Kenzo
Open class
Result : Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Hungaria Breed Champion 
Judge: Livija Zizevske (LT)
Result : Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Hungaria Breed Winner
Judge: Kardos Vilmos (HU)
Last weekend in Pàpàn, we took part in a 3 days CACIB International Dog Show !
Again we can be proud of our puppies !
Our small team did a great job,thank you for your help and participation !!! 
Funny Devils Igor 5×CAC, RES CACIB
Funny Devils Bella Res.CAC, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Funny Devils Kenzo CAC, RES CACIB
Éden Csempeszkopácsi CAC Hundeausstellung 2022.09.17-18
Funny Devils Team !!
Zwei Tage, zwei CAC-Ausstellungen.
Richter. Herr Igor Selimovic Kroatien
Herr Günther Ehrenreich Österreich
Wir beendeten die 2 Tage mit sehr guten Ergebnissen!
Funny Devils Igor
– 2x Ausgezeichnet 2× HPJ 2× BOB
Funny Devils Shine
– 2×Ausgezeichnet 2× CAC
Logan De La Coeur De La Mer
– 2×Ausgezeichnet 2× CAC
Esterházy Memorial CACIB DOG SHOW Pápa
Logan 2×CAC 2×RES. CACIB
Igor 2× Excellent 2
Fülöp 2× Best Minor Puppy
FCI.International Judge:
Mrs.Anna Kochan & Mr. Harsányi Péter

EDS 2021 Budapest ! 29.12.2021

Komárom CACIB SHOW Friday 22.10.2021 
Logan . Open Class. Excellent 1. CAC. CACIB
Gina. 4 month old !! Minor Puppy Class.
Best minor Puppy
FCI Judge Mrs. Mina Piljevic
Komárom DERBY CACIB SHOW Sunday 24.10.2021 
Logan. Open Class Excellent 1. CAC. CACIB
Gina. 4 months !! Minor Puppy Class.
Very promising
FCI Judge Mr. Igor Mioc
Saturday: KIT.1 CAC -BOB
Sunday: KIT.2 Res.CAC
Judges: Radvánszky Katalin and Glázer György
CAC Dog show Vasszécsény
Logan ❤
2021.08.21 Saturday
Open class: Excellent 1. CAC. BOB
FCI Judge: Gyula Sárközy H.
2021.08.22 Saturday
Open class : Excelent 2. Reserve CAC
FCI. Judge: Suzana Simon CRO.
International Dog Show 18.07.2021
Great results on the closing day !!
Logan ❤
Open Class.
Result: Excellent Kítűnő 1. CAC. CACIB. HFGY-BOB 🙂
FCI Judge. Tatjana Urek
International Dog Show 16.07.2021
Logan de La Coeur De La Mer
Open Class.
Result: Excellent  1. CAC. RES. CACIB🙂
FCI Judge : Róbert Kotlár
Dog weekend , CACIB show Szombathely -Oberwart 2014.07.12-13
Démon, Open class CAC- CACIB-BOS Szombathely
Émie, Young Class Exellent 2 Oberwart

Founder of Funny Devils

Polgár Tamás

Are French Bulldogs interested? Look around!